Sizzle is the essential platform…

The Sizzle Network and Offer Engine™ is a cloud-based comprehensive suite of promotion and marketing tools, games, experiences and interconnectivity that will save you thousands of dollars in development costs, while allowing you a nearly risk-free opportunity to add new levels of engagement with your customers. Sizzle is a theme park for the imagination.

Sizzle Spin and AR Games

Create branded games or contests that promote customer engagements and sales. Grow your base virally.

Sizzle FX

Retain consumers through entertaining engagements. Add visual interest to yourself or your brand and maintain relevance with your base.

Sizzle Concierge

Sizzle incorporates machine learning to assist our AI concierge. This allows brands to be seen based on user’s searches, location and queries.

Open a branded storefront inside and sell your products and services to a whole new community of customers.

Choose the right Sizzle tools to elevate you

Meet SizzleVerse®

See how The Illusion Factory innovates